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Variations in willow vases and long legged creature treasure boxes
Long legged creature treasure box
Looking in
Double cross cabas II
Double cross Cabas
Sturdy curvy
Bird mobile
Stripy variations
Neolithic weave and leather handbag
Historical peony basket
Birdhouse and feeder
Waves lampshade and magazine basket
Willow backpack
Willow pack I
Workshop ceiling
Warm ivory neolithic weave lampshades
Lacerie table platters
Bathroom panier
Neolithic cabas
Traditional log baskets
Three neolithic handbags
Made of the same stuff: toron vessel and neolithic weave handbag
Red and Yellow II
Live willow in pots
Classic kindling baskets
Two shoppers
Live willow planted hearts
Red and Yellow I
New kitsch mirrors
The italian trout creel
Neolithic weave mixed media satchel
A docker’s basket for mirabelles
Torons in the round
Red and Yellow III
The herbgatherer
The seedling’s view of my plant supports
The round vessel collection
Lacerie platter
Squash support equilibrium
The round collection en the move